Incident Management
Streamline communications and share actionable intelligence
Geoaware® Network unifies communications and enables actionable intelligence to be securely shared with teams, partners and stakeholders, providing a Situational Awareness dashboard to reduce risk and improve response.

Mobile Reporting
geolocated reporting with photos, videos, messaging and live "body cam" broadcasting

Mapping & Tracking
asset tracking and other live data on satellite and indoor maps with wayfinding

Incident Management
real-time alerts, dispatch
and status updates shared
with mobile and C4ISR

IoT/Camera Streaming
fixed and mobile cameras,
uav, sensor network live
streaming and alerts
Visitor Management
identity and self-attestation, biosurveillance and health screening, access control

Analytics & Insights
after action reports, forensics
and analytics for performance
and planning

Safety, Security and Risk Management
Enabling actionable intelligence to be shared across business and operations stakeholders
Mobile Reporting
Mobile app for training, team communications, reporting and tracking
Operations, Communications and Coordination
Enabling actionable intelligence to be shared across business and operations stakeholders
Enabling actionable intelligence to be shared across business and operations stakeholders